Ornamental (Decorative) Plaster Restoration
Churches, Theaters, Museums, City Halls, Court Houses, and Residential Plaster Restoration
Has your ornamental (decorative) plaster been damaged by water, smoke, foundation settling, contractors, or other sources? Plasterwork that was once beautiful can become an eyesore, or, worse, a safety hazard. Falling plaster can pose a danger to occupants and whatever it hits when it falls. Over time, the issues may get worse. Contact us for a free evaluation.
Restore the Original Design or Modify It
We can restore your historic building, residence, or any facility to its original design or modify it to suit current needs. With decades of design experience, we will work with you to refine your vision and then make your vision a reality. As mold-making experts, we create custom plaster molds to perfectly create each decorative plaster element, large and small, simple and ornate, traditional and modern. Each new piece is carefully attached, then smoothed and painstakingly blended with existing or other new pieces. This attention to detail ensures the final restoration looks exquisite today and for decades to come.
Large and Small Homes and Historic Buildings
Restoring homes and historic buildings requires special attention to detail and equipment. Our teams have extensive experience working on large and small projects.
Care and Attention to Detail
Restoring plasterwork can be messy work. We protect the floors and intact plasterwork, carefully remove the damaged plaster, rebuild the plaster foundation as needed, create custom molds, mold the new plasterwork, and attach and smooth the new plasterwork. It is painstaking work; the result is a unique work of art.
Third-Generation Plaster Artisan
Our founder, a third-generation ornamental (decorative) and flat plaster master craftsman, has extensive experience restoring homes and historic churches, theaters, museums, and government buildings, including city halls, courthouses, and capital buildings.
Travel Worldwide for Your Project
We work throughout Washington state and travel across the United States (including Alabama, California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, New York, Ohio, Oregon, and Washington DC), and other countries.
St. Francis De Sales Cathedral, Baker City, Oregon
Restored ornamental plaster in historic 1908 cathedral.

In 2015, Hamza and his union team were called upon for their expertise in Ornamental Plaster work at a historic train station. Specializing in restoration, they skillfully repaired and revitalized the damaged crown molding, showcasing their professional craftsmanship in a landmark setting.
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Ornamental Plaster Restoration

When age and wear compromised the integrity of a stunning ornamental plaster wall, the home renovation contractors turned to our specialized team. Known for our expertise in plaster restoration and ornamental detailing, we were tasked with precisely recreating and replacing the damaged sections. Our skilled artisans meticulously restored the wall to its original splendor, ensuring every detail was perfectly replicated to preserve the historic charm and architectural beauty. This project highlights our commitment to excellence in historic plaster repair, ornamental plaster restoration, and fine craftsmanship in architectural detailing.
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Ornamental Plaster Restoration

In Capitol Hill, homeowners faced a challenge with their damaged crown molding wall. They reached out to us for a solution. We expertly took the old piece, created a mold, and cast a new piece, seamlessly restoring the wall’s elegance.
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Ornamental Plaster Restoration

Project: St. Francis De Sales Cathedral
Location: Baker City, Oregon
Type of work: ornamental (decorative) and flat plaster restoration in a historic 1908 cathedral.
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Ornamental Plaster Restoration
- City of Baker City, Oregon
- Phillips County Courthouse, Malta, Montana
- St. Francis De Sales Cathedral, Oregon
Church Restorations
- Cardinal Church, Washington, DC
- St. Francis De Sales Cathedral, Baker City, Oregon
- Tiffan Catholic Church, Tiffan, Ohio
Museums and Historical Building Restorations/Inspections
- City of Baker City, Oregon
- Portland Art Museum, Portland, Oregon (company: WBIMS)
- 2008 – King Street Station, Seattle, Washington
- 2008 – Phillips County Courthouse, Malta, Montana
Theater and Opera House Restorations/Inspections
- Saenger Theater, Mobile, Alabama
- Michigan Theater, Jackson, Michigan
- 5th Avenue Theater, Seattle, Washington
- Boston Opera House (Citizens Bank Opera House), Boston, Massachusetts
- 7th Street Theatre (1928 historic building), Hoquiam, Washington
University Restoration
- University of Washington, Seattle, Washington (company: Denunina Plastering)
Return Your Property to Its Original Beauty
Contact us today to schedule an onsite inspection and consultation with our master craftsman.